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award-winning silent Disco programming in detroit.

CTYHOP™ Silent Disco is a live entertainment company based in Downtown Detroit specializing in silent disco programming for public places, festivals and special events.

Inspired by street performers across the globe, our unique silent disco activations are designed for crowds, ensuring maximum crowd participation with one-of-kind performances that bring excitement, connection, and activity to any public space or street event.

Our immersive experiences let people enjoy music together using vibrant wireless LED headphones, making them not only entertaining but also visually stunning. Our one-of-a-kind public activations celebrate inclusivity, diversity, and unity through the universal language of music and dance.

To learn more about our programs, activations, and events please contact our team at events@ctyhop.com.


connect the city through fun.

CTYHOP™ Silent Disco is dedicated to bringing more joy & happiness to the city. We believe life in the city should be interesting, fun, bustling with community, and safe. Since our launch in 2017, we have successfully hosted nearly 300 public and private events, entertaining thousands of attendees.

In the last 5 years, these experiences have shared a subtle yet powerful message about the beauty of diversity and connection within our city. We've found that a simple pair of headphones can bridge the gap between people of all ages and backgrounds, allowing them to join together in public spaces for a lively and enjoyable time. Our mission is to "Connect the city through fun." Through our work and partnerships, we aim to fill the many hearts of the city with joy, connection, and a sense of belonging.


let’s dance.

We love working with parks, brands, and other organizations to produce signature experiences in the city. Email, call, or complete the form below and we’ll be in touch. We look forward to hearing from you!


CTYHOP™ Silent Disco | downtown Detroit | (248) 934-0901